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Fondazione AUT AUT

If you dream alone, it’s just a dream.
If we dream together, reality begins.

Fondazione “AUT AUT” is a foundation consisting in Fondazione Carispezia, AGAPO Onlus and Fondazione Il Domani dell’Autismo. It was established in 2017 with the aim of aiding the transition of autistic young adults into the labour market, with its focus on the tourism sector, to foster an inclusive model that − starting out from work situations − can offer concrete and innovative answers to needs linked to pervasive developmental disorders.
Fondazione Carispezia Foundation built two structures in La Spezia − Luna Blu and the Sant’Anna Hostel − in order to foster social inclusion and job placement in the tourist services sector for autistic youngsters following their school careers. These structures can accommodate guests from all over Italy.
At Luna Blu the families of autistic youngsters, and others, will all be able to enjoy a holiday with their children, who join a work group to learn how to cook, and make fresh pasta, confectionery and pastry, as well as engaging in catering and hospitality activities.
Sant’Anna Hostel can host two families at a time, enabling autistic youngsters to engage in food preparation, hotel reception and gardening activities, and preparation of preserves.
“There are many autistics, of all ages, representing a great commitment for families, schools and psychiatrists. Above all, we must question ourselves whether our society is mature enough to devise processes of inclusion on the housing and occupational fronts that are capable of overcoming the various difficulties. Having an autistic child − and going on vacation with this child − while he or she learns to pick tomatoes and make preserves or serve at restaurant tables makes for a truly great holiday. For many of us? For only a few? The answer comes from those who have the courage to work on new, inclusive occupational and social projects”
Paolo Cornaglia Ferraris
President of Fondazione AUT AUT
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